Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hi everyone...

Well, the bad news came today that MAY 3, 2020 will NOT find me or my awesome students at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning sharing my DYE PLAY workshop. The Centre will likely not open to classroom teaching until the last week of May if not the first of June.

Kingston is doing very well in the Covid-19 physical distancing and all of the closures and "Stay at Home" rules have been working - we have NO CASES of Covid -19 in our hospitals or Seniors homes in Kingston, ON... and that is a blessing we can all support! The premier of Ontario is telling all of us loud and clear that Ontario will stay committed to saving our communities and Residents from the virus threat for at least another 4 weeks.

BUT, for those who have registered for the May 3rd workshop, I have no choice but to invite you to help me as I once again am forced to POSTPONE our workshop scheduled for the 3rd of May to the new date of MAY 31, 2020 - a Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm.

If you need to have a refund, just drop me a line at[at] and I will get that off to you via transfer or personal cheque in the mail.

So here is the new date information:

Date And Time

Sun, May 31, 2020
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT


Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning
370 King Street West
Kingston, ON K7L 2X4

Cheers And I Appreciate Your Patience Through This Difficult Time... 

Our Art Time Together Means So Much To Each Of Us! 

I hope you will be patient until this lockdown is overturned and we can all be together again!
