Sunday, November 3, 2013

KAREN GOETZINGER Lecture evening at St. Lawrence College, Friday evening, November 15th, 7:30 pm

Fibreworks Kingston is so pleased to be able offer you an evening of design news, and the art and expertise of our Guest Instructor for FIBREWORKS 2013-2014 Workshop Series#2, Karen Goetzinger. Karen comes to us once again for her Workshop Weekend from Ottawa and is renowned for her beautiful multi-media art and the strengths she shares as an Arts Coach.

The evening will include a lovely talk with Karen's perspective on the use of DYNAMIC COLOUR for FIBRE ARTISTS and perhaps some slides, and new work of our Instructor. Please join us in Room 12000 on the Upper Level of the Administrative Wing, St. Lawrence College with the Lecture to begin at 7:30 pm (NOTE: This is Open House weekend at the college, and classrooms are in use until 6:30 pm. We are starting 1/2 hour later than usual.)
Light refreshments will be shared. $5 at the door. Please do bring friends.
For the evening Lecture only:

Parking is at the rear of the College Campus with entry at Door E12. Please come up the stairs or take the elevator, and walk toward the cafeteria. Room 12000 is the last on the left before entering the tan Wing Link to the Main Campus. Alternatively, park at the front of the college and come in the main doors. Walk through the main lobby and follow the corridor to the cafeteria. Pass through the cafeteria and into the "Link" hallway. Watch for Room 12000 on the left. Signs will be posted to direct visitors.
For weekend workshop Students:

The workshop weekend students will have their time with Karen in Room 00060, lower Level, Green Wing at the college. Workshop Supplies may come in through door E6 on Saturday morning starting at 8:45 am. Come up one short flight and left into the classroom corridor. Room 00060 is on the right.

You may access a map here: Campus Map, St. Lawrence College, Kingston